USeful Information

In this section you’ll find useful information about the street, such as how to dispose of your rubbish and where to leave your recycling. You can also see the cleaning schedule for the common parts, how to get duplicate keys for the main doors and more. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch :


Should you need to get in contact with David Wismayer for any matters relating to the building management, there are several ways you can do so :


Phone contact

020 7266 0439

Mobile phone

07753 813 819


Below you will find useful information for Morshead residents, plus answers to some frequently asked questions :

Rubbish removal

Rubbish Removal

Please note that it is your responsibility to dispose of all rubbish from your flat, Please use the black bins on the opposite side of the street by the entrance to Paddington Recreation Ground.



Recycling is collected once a week on Monday mornings. Please ensure that your recycling is in a clear recycling bag and placed outside your block by 8am on a Monday. At any other times, recycling can be disposed of in the black recycling bins on the opposite side of the street by the entrance to Paddington Recreation Ground. Recycling bags are available from the building management.



There is a limited amount of storage space available beneath the blocks. If you would like to enquire about availability, please contact the building management for more information.


Front Door Keys

Keys to the front doors of the blocks are available to residents and flat owners. If you require keys please contact the building management for more information.



Cleaning of the common parts of the blocks takes place 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. At all other times please take care to keep the areas in your block and around your flat as clean as possible. Please note that items such as bikes and push chairs are not to be stored in the common areas.



Please ensure that all tradesmen hired to work on your property have the appropriate qualifications necessary to carry out the task. In some instances we may be able to provide recommendations for certain trades, please contact the building management for more information.

To view the Morshead Mansions ‘Rules & Regulations’, just click below…